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15 cyanide and happiness dark humor comics that'll make you reserve a seat in hell.

 Shalom! When I was browsing bored panda I came across a post on comics by cyanide and happiness about two years ago and from that time I've been a regular to their comics on and their shorts on youtube so I thought I'd share my most favourite ones. It may be inappropriate to laugh at some but dark humour is a good way to fuel our cynical nature. 😈

1. Asshole doctor

2. Best or worst kind of murder?

3. clone

4. Diagnosis

5. Expectations

6. Me too

7. Oof! 

8. Pushing 

9. Man-spider: returns office part 4 

10. Relatable 

11. Roasts

12. This is beautiful!

13. Trashman

14. Wake up


15. You sure you're not racist their pal?

Okay! So that's the bunch I really like. Some of them made me guffaw and the rest made me laugh for days. I do have a lot of these strips so if you like them kindly comment for more.

P.s: None of the above comics is mine. All the credits go to cyanide and happiness so do check them out at Cyanide & Happiness ( 

Until then,
Truly Greg ❤


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